Coronado Park Self Storage
2045 Coronado Parkway N. Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 289-2044 | Hours | Rent Now

Lease FAQ

- Our units are on a convenient month-to-month basis depending on your needs. We can set up a short or long term lease for you. The rent is due at the end of the month for the following month and we require a 2 weeks notice when you are ready to move out. If you know you are going to need the storage for more than a year, we can set up a lease for payment in full for 12 months and you will receive the 13th month free. As long as you give us a two week notice that you are vacating prior to paying your final month we will pro-rate on initial move-in and we will gladly refund for any prepaid unused full month(s).
- If you decide that you will be renting with us for more than 12 months, you can pay in full for the entire year and receive your 13th month for free.
- We offer a month to month contract with the payment due at the end of the month for the following month. We accept several major credit cards, including MasterCard®, Visa®, or American Express®. We can also set up direct pay for you to make it easy while you are traveling or away from home. Or you can pay online in the Make a Payment section of our E-move website. If you don't wish to pay online, you can pay in person at the facility where your storage is located.
- While we understand that things happen that are sometimes out of our control, we do everything we can to encourage our customers to communicate with us and provide us with their contact information particularly if a customer moves or changes phone numbers. We also ask that they provide us with a phone number of a close relative. If you are late paying your rent, late fees are automatically applied on the 6th, the 20th and the 30th of the month. At or on the 30th of the month (for February it is the 28th) a lien status will be in effect. At this time your unit lock will be cut and an auction date will be scheduled. The facility managers and personnel do everything they can to contact customers to notify them of late payments and the consequences of being late. It is very unfortunate when this happens and that is why it is important to always pay early or on time to avoid losing your precious belongings. If you are having problems making payment contact us immediately.
- After 30 days of non-payment, the customer is sent a certified letter letting them know the date of the scheduled auction. The auction letter is sent out 30 days prior to auction. It is important that you always make sure we have the correct information for you on file with any address change, phone changes or the phone number and address of a close relative.
- We will send a check to the customer if the amount of the auction collected is over the amount due and if the customer owes money then the account is sent to collections.
- Yes, we do offer discounts! Please contact us to find out more and to secure a storage unit near you.
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© 2025 Coronado Park Self Storage - Thornton | Mountain States Self Storage Affiliate
2045 Coronado Parkway N. Thornton, CO 80229 (303) 289-2044| Contact Us